Dentist Hearing Loss Products - How
We Hear
The pinna or outer ear, gathers and collects sound waves funneling them into the
ear canal, which leads to the eardrum.
The eardrum is a thin 3-layer membrane that vibrates from the incoming sound
waves and sends the vibrations to the ossicles, the three tiny bones in the middle ear. The ossicles include
the malleus, incus, and stapes.
The bones in the middle ear amplify, or increase, the sound and send the
vibration to the
cochlea or inner ear. The cochlea is a fluid-filled organ with an elastic membrane, called the
basilar membrane running down its length.
The incoming sound vibrations cause the fluid inside the cochlea to ripple,
and a traveling wave forms along the basilar membrane. Hair cells—sensory cells sitting on top of the
membrane—move in response to the incoming sound wave. This motion causes the stereocilia, bristly structures
on top of the hair cells, to bump up against an overlying membrane and deflect to one side.
As the stereocilia, move,
pore-like channels on their surface open up allowing the
sound to be converted to an electrical signal. The
auditory nerve carries the signal to the brain, which
translates it into sound that we recognize and
Hair cells near the base
of the cochlea detect higher pitched sounds, such as
certain speech sounds that add clarity to spoken
language (for example: the consonants s, f, th). Those
nearer the apex, detect lower-pitched sounds (for
example: the vowel sounds o, e, u).
Women and
children’s voices tend to be in the higher frequency
range where men’s voices tend to be at a lower pitch
Loud sounds (over 85 dB
can be damaging to the hair cells of the inner ear which
causes permanent hearing loss.
Dentists and dental
professionals are at risk
for noise induced hearing loss
as dental instrumentation has been measured in decibel
ranges in excess of 85 dB and up to 100 dB.
Dental Ear Plugs are offered with a
Lifetime Warranty and will be replaced at no charge should the body or
stent fail due to faulty material or workmanship.